time_taken_for_sql: $time_taken_for_sql"; if($time_taken_for_sql >.5) { $file = SITE_FS_PATH.'/sql_log/opt.txt'; if(filesize($file)>500*1024) { $handle = fopen($file, 'w'); } else { $handle = fopen($file, 'a'); } fwrite($handle, $time_taken_for_sql."/t".$sql); fclose($handle); } */ return $result; } // db_scalar: Updated 31 may 2006 function db_scalar($sql, $dbcon2 = null) { if($dbcon2==''){ if(!isset($GLOBALS['dbcon'])) { connect_db(); } $dbcon2 = $GLOBALS['dbcon']; } $result = db_query($sql, $dbcon2); if ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $response = $line[0]; } return $response; } // db_error: Updated 2 sep 2006 // Now it redirects to a file to show sql error. function db_error($sql) { echo "

"; print_error(); if(LOCAL_MODE) { echo "
sql: $sql"; } echo "
"; /* $_SESSION['sess_sql_error'] = mysql_error(); header("location: ".SITE_WS_PATH."/sql_error.php"); exit; */ } function print_error() { $debug_backtrace = debug_backtrace(); for ($i = 1; $i < count($debug_backtrace); $i++) { $error = $debug_backtrace[$i]; echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "File: ".$error['file']."
"; echo "Line: ".$error['line']."
"; echo "Function: ".$error['function']."
"; //echo "Args: "; //foreach($error['args'] as $arg) { // echo "$arg
"; //} echo "
"; } } // mysql_time: Updated 31 may 2006 function mysql_time($hour, $minute, $ampm) { if ($ampm == 'PM' && $hour != '12') { $hour += 12; } if ($ampm == 'AM' && $hour == '12') { $hour = '00'; } $mysql_time = $hour . ':' . $minute . ':00'; return $mysql_time; } // price_format: Updated 31 may 2006 function price_format($price) { if ($price != '' && $price != '0') { $price = number_format($price, 2); if($price >="0"){ return str_replace('.00','',$price); } } } // date_format: Updated 31 may 2006 function date_format1($date) { if (strlen($date) >= 10) { if ($date == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || $date == '0000-00-00') { return ''; } $mktime = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($date, 5, 2), substr($date, 8, 2), substr($date, 0, 4)); return date("d-m-Y", $mktime); } else { return $date; } } function order_date_format1($date) { $d_ar=explode(" ",$date); $date_ar=explode("-",$d_ar[0]); $time_ar=explode(":",$d_ar[1]); $date="$date_ar[2]-$date_ar[1]-$date_ar[0] $time_ar[0]:$time_ar[1]:$time_ar[2]"; return $date; } function only_date_format2($date) { $d_ar=explode(" ",$date); $date_ar=explode("-",$d_ar[0]); $time_ar=explode(":",$d_ar[1]); $date="$date_ar[2]-$date_ar[1]-$date_ar[0]"; return $date; } function date_format2($date) { if (strlen($date) >= 10) { if ($date == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || $date == '0000-00-00') { return ''; } $mktime = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($date, 5, 2), substr($date, 8, 2), substr($date, 0, 4)); return date("M j, Y", $mktime); } else { return $date; } } // datetime_format: Updated 31 may 2006 function datetime_format($date) { global $arr_month_short; if (strlen($date) >= 10) { if ($date == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || $date == '0000-00-00') { return ''; } $mktime = mktime(substr($date, 11, 2), substr($date, 14, 2), substr($date, 17, 2),substr($date, 5, 2), substr($date, 8, 2), substr($date, 0, 4)); return date("j-m-Y h:i A ", $mktime); } else { return $date; } } // time_format: Updated 31 may 2006 function time_format($time) { if (strlen($time) >= 5) { $hour = substr($time, 0, 2); $hour = str_pad($hour, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); return $hour . ':' . substr($time, 3, 2) . ' ' . $ampm; } else { return $time; } } // ms_print_r: Updated 31 may 2006 function ms_print_r($var) { //if(LOCAL_MODE || $_SESSION['debug']){ echo ""; //} } // ms_form_value: Updated 31 may 2006 function ms_form_value($var) { return is_array($var) ? array_map('ms_form_value', $var) : htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($var))); } // ms_display_value: Updated 31 may 2006 function ms_display_value($var) { return is_array($var) ? array_map('ms_display_value', $var) : nl2br(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($var)))); } // ms_stripslashes: Updated 31 may 2006 function ms_stripslashes($var) { return is_array($var) ? array_map('ms_stripslashes', $var) : stripslashes(trim($var)); } // ms_addslashes: Updated 31 may 2006 function ms_addslashes($var) { return is_array($var) ? array_map('ms_addslashes', $var) : addslashes(trim($var)); } // ms_trim: Updated 31 may 2006 function ms_trim($var) { return is_array($var) ? array_map('ms_trim', $var) : trim($var); } // is_image_valid: Updated 31 may 2006 function is_image_valid($file_name) { global $ARR_VALID_IMG_EXTS; $ext = file_ext($file_name); if (in_array($ext, $ARR_VALID_IMG_EXTS)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // getmicrotime: Updated 31 may 2006 function getmicrotime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } // file_ext: Updated 31 may 2006 function file_ext($file_name) { $path_parts = pathinfo($file_name); $ext = strtolower($path_parts["extension"]); return $ext; } // blank_filter: Updated 31 may 2006 function blank_filter($var) { $var = trim($var); return ($var != '' && $var != ' '); } // apply_filter: Updated 25 sep 2006 function apply_filter($sql, $field, $field_filter, $column) { if (!empty($field)) { if ($field_filter == "=" || $field_filter == "") { $sql = $sql . " and $column = '$field' "; } else if ($field_filter == "like") { $sql = $sql . " and $column like '%$field%' "; } else if ($field_filter == "starts_with") { $sql = $sql . " and $column like '$field%' "; } else if ($field_filter == "ends_with") { $sql = $sql . " and $column like '%$field' "; } else if ($field_filter == "not_contains") { $sql = $sql . " and $column not like '%$field%' "; } else if ($field_filter == ">") { $sql = $sql . " and $column > '$field' "; } else if ($field_filter == "<") { $sql = $sql . " and $column < '$field' "; } else if ($field_filter == "!=") { $sql = $sql . " and $column != '$field' "; } } return $sql; } // filter_dropdown: Updated 17 July 2006 // Should replace older version function function filter_dropdown($name = 'filter', $sel_value) { $arr = array( "like" => 'Contains', '=' => 'Is Equal', "starts_with" => 'Starts with', "ends_with" => 'Ends with', "!=" => 'Is not' , "not_contains" => 'Not contains'); return array_dropdown($arr, $sel_value, $name, " class='textfield4'"); } // move_up: Updated 31 may 2006 function move_up($table_name, $where_clause_all, $where_clause_item, $sort_order, $move_by) { $dest_order = $sort_order - $move_by; // $arr_ids_to_move=Array(); // echo "
$movie_artist_id, $movie_id, $artistcate_id, $sort_order, $move_by, $dest_order
"; for($i = $sort_order-1; $i > $dest_order-1; $i--) { $sql = " update $table_name set sort_order=sort_order+1 where $where_clause_all and sort_order='$i'"; // echo "
"; db_query($sql); } $sql = " update $table_name set sort_order=sort_order-$move_by where $where_clause_item"; // echo "
"; db_query($sql); } // move_down: Updated 31 may 2006 function move_down($table_name, $where_clause_all, $where_clause_item, $sort_order, $move_by) { $dest_order = $sort_order + $move_by; // $arr_ids_to_move=Array(); // echo "
$movie_artist_id, $movie_id, $artistcate_id, $sort_order, $move_by, $dest_order
"; for($i = $sort_order + 1; $i < $dest_order + 1; $i++) { $sql = " update $table_name set sort_order=sort_order-1 where $where_clause_all and sort_order='$i' "; // echo "
"; db_query($sql); } $sql = " update $table_name set sort_order=sort_order+$move_by where $where_clause_item"; // echo "
"; db_query($sql); } // refine_list: Updated 31 may 2006 function refine_list($id_column, $table_name, $where_clause) { $sql = " select $id_column, sort_order from $table_name where $where_clause order by sort_order"; // echo "
"; $result = db_query($sql); $i = 1; while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $sql = " update $table_name set sort_order='$i' where $id_column='$line[0]'"; // echo "
"; db_query($sql); $i++; } } // make_url: Updated 31 may 2006 function make_url($url) { $parsed_url = parse_url($url); if ($parsed_url['scheme'] == '') { return 'http://' . $url; } else { return $url; } } // ms_mail: Updated 31 may 2006 function ms_mail($to, $subject, $message, $arr_headers= array()) { $str_headers = ''; foreach($arr_headers as $name=>$value){ $str_headers .= "$name: $value\n"; } @mail($to, $subject, $message, $str_headers); return true; } // make_thumb_im: Updated 31 may 2006 function make_thumb_im($file_path, $arr_options) { $width = $arr_options['width']; $height = $arr_options['height']; $prefix = $arr_options['prefix']; $target_dir = $arr_options['target_dir']; $quality = $arr_options['quality']; $path_parts = pathinfo($file_path); if($width==''){ $width = '120'; } if($prefix=='') { $prefix = 'thumb_'; } if($target_dir=='') { $target_dir = $path_parts["dirname"]; } if($quality=='') { $quality = '70'; } $size = @getimagesize($file_path); if($size=='') { return false; } /* $ratio = round($width/$height, 2); $img_width = $size[0]; $img_height = $size[1]; */ $path_parts = pathinfo($file_path); $thumb_path="$target_dir/".$prefix.$path_parts["basename"]; $cmd ="convert -resize ".$width.'x'." -quality $quality \"$file_path\" \"$thumb_path\" "; system($cmd); //echo("
$cmd"); return $prefix.$path_parts["basename"]; } // date_to_mysql: Updated 31 may 2006 function date_to_mysql($date) { list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $date); return "$year-$month-$day"; } // date_to_mysql: Updated 31 may 2006 function date_to_mysql_withtime($date) { $date_arr = explode(' ',$date); list($month, $day, $year) = explode('/', $date_arr[0]); list($hour, $min, $sec) = explode(':', $date_arr[1]); return $year."-".$month."-".$day." ".$hour.":".$min.":".$sec; } function mysql_to_date_withtime($date) { $date_arr = explode(' ',$date); list($year, $month, $day) = explode('-', $date_arr[0]); list($hour, $min, $sec) = explode(':', $date_arr[1]); return $month."/".$day."/".$year." ".$hour.":".$min.":".$sec; } // export_delimited_file: Updated 31 may 2006 function export_delimited_file($sql, $arr_columns, $file_name='', $arr_substitutes='', $arr_tpls='' ){ //session_cache_limiter('public'); //header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); //header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); if($file_name=='') { $file_name = time().'.txt'; } header("Content-type: application/txt"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file_name"); $arr_db_cols= array_keys($arr_columns); $arr_headers= array_values($arr_columns); //ms_print_r($arr_columns); //ms_print_r($arr_db_cols); //ms_print_r($arr_headers); //ms_print_r($arr_headers); //ms_print_r($arr_headers); $str_columns = implode(',', $arr_db_cols); $sql= "select ".$str_columns." $sql" ; $result= db_query($sql); $num_cols = count($arr_columns); //$i=0; foreach($arr_headers as $header){ //$i++; echo $header."\t"; //if($i!=$num_cols){ // echo "\t"; //} } while($line=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { echo "\r\n"; //echo("
"); foreach($line as $key => $value){ $value=str_replace("\n","",$value); $value=str_replace("\r","",$value); $value=str_replace("\t","",$value); if(is_array($arr_substitutes[$key])){ $value = $arr_substitutes[$key][$value]; } if(isset($arr_tpls[$key])){ $code = str_replace('{1}', $value, $arr_tpls[$key]); //echo ("\$value = $code;"); //echo("
"); eval ("\$value = $code;"); } echo $value."\t"; } } } // checkpoint: Updated 2 sep 2006 // to check how much time is lapsed before first call of this function function checkpoint($from_start = false) { global $PREV_CHECKPOINT; if($PREV_CHECKPOINT==''){ $PREV_CHECKPOINT = SCRIPT_START_TIME; } $cur_microtime = getmicrotime(); if($from_start) { return $cur_microtime - SCRIPT_START_TIME; } else { $time_taken = $cur_microtime - $PREV_CHECKPOINT; $PREV_CHECKPOINT = $cur_microtime; return $time_taken; } } // readable_col_name: Updated 31 may 2006 function readable_col_name($str) { return ucwords( str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower($str) ) ); } // ms_echo: Updated 31 may 2006 function ms_echo($str) { if(LOCAL_MODE){ echo($str); } } // make_dropdown: Updated 1 aug 2006 function make_dropdown($sql, $combo_name, $sel_value = '', $extra = '', $choose_one = '') { $result = db_query($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $str_dropdown = ""; }else{ $str_dropdown= ""; } return $str_dropdown; } // array_dropdown: Updated 31 may 2006 function array_dropdown( $arr, $sel_value='', $name='', $extra='', $choose_one='', $arr_skip= array()) { $combo=" $value \n"; $j++; } } } $j--; // echo "$cols-($j%$cols)=".$cols-($j%$cols); // echo "
($j%$cols)=".($j%$cols); for($x = $j % $cols;$x < 4;$x++) { if ($x != 3) { $checkstr .= " \n"; } else { $checkstr .= " \n"; } } $checkstr .= ""; return $checkstr; } // make_radios: Updated 31 may 2006 function make_radios($manutmp, $checkname, $checksel = '', $cols, $missit, $style = '', $tableattr = '') { if ($style != "") { $style = "class='" . $style . "'"; } $colwidth = 100 / $cols; $colwidth = round($colwidth, 2); $j = 1; /* $manutmp['Any']="Any"; if($checksel==''){ $checksel=Array("Any"); } */ foreach($manutmp as $key => $value) { $tochecked = ""; if ($checksel == $key) { $tochecked = "checked"; } if ($key != $missit) { if ($value != "") { if ($j == 1) { $checkstr .= "\n"; } else if (($j % $cols) == 1) { $checkstr .= "\n"; } $checkstr .= "\n"; $j++; } } } $j--; // echo "$cols-($j%$cols)=".$cols-($j%$cols); // echo "
($j%$cols)=".($j%$cols); for($x = $j % $cols;$x < 4;$x++) { if ($x != 3) { $checkstr .= "\n"; } else { $checkstr .= "\n"; } } $checkstr .= "
"; return $checkstr; } // date_dropdown: Updated 31 may 2006 function date_dropdown($pre, $selected_date = '', $start_year='', $end_year = '', $sort = 'asc') { $cur_date = date("Y-m-d"); $cur_date_day = substr($cur_date, 8, 2); $cur_date_month = substr($cur_date, 5, 2); $cur_date_year = substr($cur_date, 0, 4); if ($selected_date != '') { $selected_date_day = substr($selected_date, 8, 2); $selected_date_month = substr($selected_date, 5, 2); $selected_date_year = substr($selected_date, 0, 4); } $date_dropdown .= month_dropdown($pre . "month", $selected_date_month); $date_dropdown .= day_dropdown($pre . "day", $selected_date_day); // echo($pre . "year: ". $selected_date_year); $date_dropdown .= year_dropdown($pre . "year", $selected_date_year, $start_year, $end_year, $sort); return $date_dropdown; } // month_dropdown: Updated 31 may 2006 function month_dropdown($name, $selected_date_month = '', $extra='') { global $ARR_MONTHS; $date_dropdown = " "; return $date_dropdown; } // day_dropdown: Updated 31 may 2006 function day_dropdown($name, $selected_date_day = '', $extra='') { $date_dropdown .= ""; return $date_dropdown; } // year_dropdown: Updated 31 may 2006 function year_dropdown($name, $selected_date_year = '', $start_year = '', $end_year = '', $extra='',$choose='Year') { if ($start_year == '') { $start_year = DEFAULT_START_YEAR; } if ($end_year == '') { $end_year = DEFAULT_END_YEAR; } $date_dropdown .= ""; return $date_dropdown; } // time_dropdown: Updated 31 may 2006 function time_dropdown($pre, $selected_time = '') { // echo("
selected_time:$selected_time"); if ($selected_time != '' && $selected_time != ':') { $selected_hour = substr($selected_time, 0, 2); $selected_minute = substr($selected_time, 3, 2); /* if($selected_hour >11){ $selected_ampm = "PM"; $selected_hour -= 12; }else{ $selected_ampm = "AM"; } if($selected_hour==0){ $selected_hour = 12; } */ } $str .= hour_dropdown($pre, $selected_hour); $str .= ':'; $str .= minute_dropdown($pre, $selected_minute); return $str; // echo "
$selected_hour, $selected_minute $selected_ampm
"; } // hour_dropdown: Updated 31 may 2006 function hour_dropdown($pre, $selected_hour,$extra="") { $str .= ""; return $str; } // minute_dropdown: Updated 31 may 2006 function minute_dropdown($pre, $selected_minute,$extra="" ) { $str .= ""; return $str; } // ampm_dropdown: Updated 31 may 2006 function ampm_dropdown($pre, $selected_ampm) { $str .= "'."\n"; } return $s; } // sql_to_array_file: Updated 31 may 2006 function sql_to_array_file($arr_name, $sql, $file, $full_table=false) { $str = "$value) { if(!is_numeric($name)) { $str .= '$'.$arr_name."['".$key."']['".$name."'] = '".$value."';\n"; } } $str .= "\n"; } else { $str .= '$'.$arr_name."['".$line[0]."'] = '".$line[1]."';\n"; } } $str .= "\n?>"; $fh = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fh, $str); fclose($fh); return true; } // array_radios: Updated 31 may 2006 function array_radios($arr, $sel_value = '', $name = '', $cols = 3, $extra = '') { if ($style != "") { $style = "class='" . $style . "'"; } $colwidth = 100 / $cols; $colwidth = round($colwidth, 2); $j = 1; /* $manutmp['Any']="Any"; if($checksel==''){ $checksel=Array("Any"); } */ foreach($arr as $key => $value) { $tochecked = ""; if (is_array($sel_value) && in_array($key, $sel_value)) { $tochecked = "checked"; } if ($key != $missit) { if ($value != "") { if ($j == 1) { $checkstr .= "\n"; } else if (($j % $cols) == 1 || $cols==1) { $checkstr .= "\n"; } $checkstr .= "\n"; $j++; } } } $j--; // echo "$cols-($j%$cols)=".$cols-($j%$cols); // echo "
($j%$cols)=".($j%$cols); for($x = $j % $cols;$x < 4;$x++) { if ($x != 3) { $checkstr .= "\n"; } else { $checkstr .= "\n"; } } $checkstr .= "
"; return $checkstr; } // Updated 24 aug 2006 function make_thumb_gd($imgPath, $destPath, $newWidth, $newHeight, $ratio_type = 'width', $quality = 60, $verbose = false) { // options for ratio type = width|height|distort|crop // get image info (0 width and 1 height, 2 is (1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG) $size = @getimagesize($imgPath); // break and return false if failed to read image infos if (!$size) { if ($verbose) { echo "Unable to read image info."; } return false; } $curWidth = $size[0]; $curHeight = $size[1]; $fileType = $size[2]; // width/height ratio $ratio = $curWidth/$curHeight; $srcX = 0; $srcY = 0; $srcWidth = $curWidth; $srcHeight = $curHeight; if($ratio_type=='width') { // If the dimensions for thumbnails are greater than original image do not enlarge if($newWidth > $curWidth) { $newWidth = $curWidth; } $newHeight = $newWidth / $ratio; }else if($ratio_type=='crop') { $thumbRatio = $newWidth / $newHeight; if($ratio < $thumbRatio) { $srcHeight = round($curHeight*$ratio/$thumbRatio); $srcY = round(($curHeight-$srcHeight)/2); } else { $srcWidth = round($curWidth*$thumbRatio/$ratio); $srcX = round(($curWidth-$srcWidth)/2); } /*echo "
curWidth: $curWidth"; echo "
curHeight: $curHeight"; echo "
newWidth: $newWidth"; echo "
newHeight: $newHeight"; echo "
ratio: $ratio"; echo "
thumbRatio: $thumbRatio"; echo "
srcWidth: $srcWidth"; echo "
srcX: $srcX"; echo "
srcHeight: $srcHeight"; echo "
srcY: $srcY";*/ } else if($ratio_type=='height') { // If the dimensions for thumbnails are greater than original image do not enlarge if($newHeight > $curHeight) { $newHeight = $curHeight; } $newWidth = $newHeight * $ratio; } else if($ratio_type=='distort') { } // create image switch ($fileType) { case 1: if (function_exists("imagecreatefromgif")) { $originalImage = imagecreatefromgif($imgPath); } else { if ($verbose) { echo "GIF images are not support in this php installation."; return false; } } $fileExt = 'gif'; break; case 2: $originalImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgPath); $fileExt = 'jpg'; break; case 3: $originalImage = imagecreatefrompng($imgPath); $fileExt = 'png'; break; default: if ($verbose) { echo "Not a valid image type."; } return false; } // create new image $resizedImage = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight); //echo "$srcX, $srcY, $newWidth, $newHeight, $curWidth, $curHeight"; //echo "
$srcX, $srcY, $newWidth, $newHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight
"; imagecopyresampled($resizedImage, $originalImage, 0, 0, $srcX, $srcY, $newWidth, $newHeight, $srcWidth, $srcHeight); switch ($fileExt) { case 'gif': imagegif($resizedImage, $destPath, $quality); break; case 'jpg': imagejpeg($resizedImage, $destPath, $quality); break; case 'png': imagepng($resizedImage, $destPath, $quality); break; } // return true if successfull return true; } // show_thumb: Updated 6 feb 2007 function show_thumb($file_org, $width, $height, $ratio_type = 'width') { if(preg_match('/(gif|png|jpeg|jpg)/', file_ext($file_org), $matches)) { $file_name = str_replace(SITE_WS_PATH."/", "", $file_org); $file_name = str_replace("/", "^", $file_name); $cache_file = $width."x".$height.'__'.$ratio_type .'__'.$file_name; $file_fs_path = str_replace(SITE_WS_PATH, SITE_FS_PATH, $file_org); if(!is_file(SITE_FS_PATH."/".THUMB_CACHE_DIR."/".$cache_file)) { make_thumb_gd($file_fs_path, SITE_FS_PATH."/".THUMB_CACHE_DIR."/".$cache_file, $width, $height, $ratio_type ); } return SITE_WS_PATH."/".THUMB_CACHE_DIR."/".$cache_file; } else { return $file_org; } } // ms_parse_keywords: Updated 31 may 2006 // Temporary function. Need to be made more elegant or replace with regular expression function ms_parse_keywords($keywords) { $arr_keywords = array(); $dq_end =true; $sp_end = true; for ($i=0;$icur_token:$cur_token, cur_keyword:$cur_keyword, dq_start:$dq_start, dq_end:$dq_end, sp_start:$sp_start, sp_end:$sp_end,"; $cur_token = $keywords[$i]; if($cur_token=='"') { if($dq_start) { $dq_end = true; $dq_start = false; $arr_keywords[] = $cur_keyword; $cur_keyword = ''; } else if($dq_end) { $dq_end = false; $dq_start = true; $sp_start = false; } else { $dq_end = false; $dq_start = true; } } else if($cur_token==' ') { if($sp_start || $dq_end) { $sp_end = true; $sp_start = false; $arr_keywords[] = $cur_keyword; $cur_keyword = ''; } else if($sp_end && !$dq_start) { $sp_end = false; $sp_start = true; } else if($dq_start) { $cur_keyword .= $cur_token; } } else { $cur_keyword .= $cur_token; } } $arr_keywords[] =$cur_keyword; return $arr_keywords; } // pagesize_dropdown: Updated 31 may 2006 function pagesize_dropdown($name, $value) { $arr = array('10'=>'10','25'=>'25','50'=>'50','100'=>'100'); $m = $_GET; unset($m['pagesize']); return array_dropdown($arr, $value , $name, ' class="pagesize_dropdown" onchange="location.href=\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].qry_str($m).'&pagesize=\'+this.value" '); } // sql_to_assoc_array: Updated 1 aug 2006 function sql_to_assoc_array($sql) { $arr = array(); $result = db_query($sql); while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $line = ms_form_value($line); $arr[$line[0]] = $line[1]; } return $arr; } // sql_to_index_array: Updated 1 aug 2006 function sql_to_index_array($sql) { $arr = array(); $result = db_query($sql); while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $line = ms_form_value($line); $arr[] = $line[0]; } return $arr; } // sql_to_array: Updated 1 aug 2006 function sql_to_array($sql) { $arr = array(); $result = db_query($sql); while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $line = ms_form_value($line); array_push($arr, $line); } return $arr; } // get_unique_file_name: Updated 2 aug 2006 function get_unique_file_name($file_name) { return str_shuffle(md5(uniqid(rand(), true))) . '.' . file_ext($file_name); } function qry_str_to_hidden($str) { $fields=''; if(substr($str,0,1)=='?') { $str = substr($str,1); } $arr = explode('&', $str); foreach($arr as $pair) { list($name, $value) = explode('=',$pair); if($name!='') { $fields.=''; } } return $fields; } // enum_to_array: Updated 14 sep 2006 function enum_to_array($table, $column) { $result = db_query("show fields from $table"); while ($line_raw = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $line = ms_display_value($line_raw); if($line['Field']==$column) { $Type = $line['Type']; $Type = substr($Type,6,-2); $arr_tmp = explode("','", $Type); foreach($arr_tmp as $val) { $arr[$val]=$val; } return $arr; } } } function get_flv_file_name($file_name) { return str_shuffle(md5(uniqid(rand(), true))) . '.flv'; } function admin_email(){ $sql=db_query("select * from tbl_config where config_id='1'"); $result=mysql_fetch_array($sql); $email=$result[config_value]; return $email; } function check_member_session($session_name,$url){ if(!strlen($_SESSION[$session_name])){ ?> $line_raw[baddress]
$line_raw[bcity], $line_raw[bstate],$line_raw[bzip_code]"; return $var; } function shipping_address($member_id){ $result=db_query("select * from tbl_member where email='$member_id'"); $line_raw=mysql_fetch_array($result); $var="$line_raw[f_name] $line_raw[l_name]
$line_raw[scity], $line_raw[sstate], $line_raw[szip_code]"; return $var; } function order_shipping_address($order_id){ $result=db_query("select * from tbl_order where order_id='$order_id'"); $line_raw=mysql_fetch_array($result); $var="$line_raw[member_name]
$line_raw[order_ship_city], $line_raw[order_ship_state], $line_raw[order_ship_zip]"; return $var; } function order_billing_address($order_id){ $result=db_query("select * from tbl_order where order_id='$order_id'"); $line_raw=mysql_fetch_array($result); $var="$line_raw[member_name]
$line_raw[order_bill_city], $line_raw[order_bill_state], $line_raw[order_bill_zip]"; return $var; } function order_date($order_id){ $result=db_query("select order_date from tbl_order where order_id='$order_id'"); $line_raw=mysql_fetch_array($result); $var=$line_raw[order_date]; return $var; } function get_cat_name($catID){ $res=mysql_fetch_array(db_query("select cat_name from tbl_category where cat_id='$catID'")); $cat_name=stripslashes($res[cat_name]); return ucfirst($cat_name); } function get_flight_name($catID){ $res=mysql_fetch_array(db_query("select cat_name from tbl_flight where cat_id='$catID'")); $cat_name=stripslashes($res[cat_name]); return ucfirst($cat_name); } function get_ltc_name($catID){ $res=mysql_fetch_array(db_query("select cat_name from tbl_ltc_package where cat_id='$catID'")); $cat_name=stripslashes($res[cat_name]); return ucfirst($cat_name); } /* function frontpage_nav($catID){ $res=mysql_fetch_array(db_query("select * from tbl_category where cat_id='$catID' and cat_status='Active'")); $flag=0; $catparent=$catID; while($flag!=1){ $res1=db_query("select * from tbl_category where cat_id='$catparent' and cat_status='Active'"); $record=mysql_fetch_array($res1); if($record[cat_parent_id]!=0){ $catparent=$record[cat_parent_id]; $array.="$record[cat_id]~"; }else{ if($record[cat_id]!=""){ $array.="$record[cat_id]~"; } $flag=1; } } $arr=explode("~",$array); //$result = array_reverse($arr); $result = $arr; for($i=1;$i".ucwords(strtolower(stripslashes($res[cat_name])))." "; if($i".ucwords(strtolower(stripslashes($res[cat_name])))." "; } } echo "<< Home"; } */ function frontpage_nav($catid){ $baseurl=SITE_WS_PATH; $res=mysql_fetch_array(db_query("select * from tbl_category where cat_id='$catid'")); $flag=0; $catparent=$catid; while($flag!=1){ $res1=mysql_query("select * from tbl_category where cat_id='$catparent'"); $record=mysql_fetch_array($res1); if($record[cat_parent_id]!=0){ $catparent=$record[cat_parent_id]; $array.="$record[cat_id]~"; }else{ if($record[cat_id]!=""){ $array.="$record[cat_id]~"; } $flag=1; } } $arr=explode("~",$array); #$result = array_reverse($arr); #print_r($arr); $result = $arr; #echo "Home "; for($i=0;$i